FAQs or Tips

Common Questions on Visa Updates from 1 July 2024

In the last few months, there have been many announcements regarding visa changes. However, it was on the 1st of July when the legislation was updated to show the exact wording for these changes.  With the updated legislation at hand, some of the most common visa applicants’ questions can now be answered accurately. This article …

Common Questions on Visa Updates from 1 July 2024 Read More »

FAQs: Divorce for Filipino migrants

Some Filipino migrants assume that they are not eligible to file a divorce in Australia because they were married in the Philippines and because divorce is still not available there. Some also believe that divorce is not accessible to those who are on a temporary visa. This article intends to provide answers to common questions …

FAQs: Divorce for Filipino migrants Read More »

Steps to take when your visa gets refused or cancelled

In the last few months, there is an increasing number of temporary visa applications getting refused under the Visitor visa (subclass 600) and Student visa (subclass 500). Visa cancellations also occur as the Department of Home Affairs has the power to cancel visas if there are grounds to do so. This article intends to give …

Steps to take when your visa gets refused or cancelled Read More »

Simple mistakes that can lead to visa refusal

Applying for Australian visas may seem easy as information on the criteria and application process are publicly available. However, it is important to understand that sometimes visa applicants may unknowingly commit errors which may compromise their getting a favourable decision on their application. This article intends to discuss common mistakes that visa applicants make that …

Simple mistakes that can lead to visa refusal Read More »

Accessing information about your visa or appeal application

In most cases, applicants who avail themselves of migration assistance from their service provider are given documents pertaining to their visa or appeal application. This can include the submitted application form, visa/appeal payment receipt, and any correspondence with the authority where the application was lodged. However, there are instances where the service provider does not …

Accessing information about your visa or appeal application Read More »

Tips on getting ready for skilled visa state nomination

On the 24th of August 2023, the Department of Home Affairs published the visa category and state allocations for the Permanent Migration Program for this financial year (2023-2024). Although the total allocation for this financial year at 190,000 is just 5,000 places lower than the previous year, on-hand and undecided Permanent Resident (PR) visa applications …

Tips on getting ready for skilled visa state nomination Read More »

Sponsoring employees in Australia FAQs

The after-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are still evident with many Australian businesses shutting down due to staff shortage.  Many Australian companies reach out to us to understand their options in sponsoring foreign workers. This article intends to provide information about work visa options for potential sponsoring companies by answering some frequently asked questions on …

Sponsoring employees in Australia FAQs Read More »